Spring/Summer Makeup Looks Collection

Spring/Summer Makeup Looks Collection pictures - part 1.

Spring and summer are the colorful seasons of the year. The icy shades of winter disappear slowly, while the green and other bright colors take over. When we think about spring and summer, we automatically picture the beautiful blossomed trees, the flowers, that give a beautiful scent to the air, we think about the yellow hot sun, but also about the warm sand that sparkles in the sunlight, the wonderful beach and the refreshing ocean and sea. So if you really enjoy this time of year then get inspired by the colorful shades of the warm season in order to achieve the perfect makeup for spring and summer. Below, you will see a collection of makeup looks that are just right for the warm season, click the images to zoom in:

spring makeup spring makeup looks summer makeup summer makeup looks

summer eyes spring eyes colorful makeup spring inspired makeup

summer inspired makeup colorful makeup tropical makeup summer makeup

spring makeup looks summer makeup looks spring eyes summer eyes
summer makeup colors spring makeup colors colorful spring makeup colorful summer makeup

Some of the makeup looks are inspired by the pink blossomed tress of spring, the golden shades of the sand and the sun, the teal and blue oceans. The looks are created by talented makeup gurus that I have mentioned before, you can check out their websites and blogs so that you can see more of their amazing work. They also have tutorials on youtube that can teach you how to create amazing makeup looks, go visit their websites to see them: jangsara.blogspot.com, misschievous.tv, padmitasmakeup.blogspot.com, doedeereblogazine.com, special-koko.blogspot.com, makeupgeek.com, vintageortacky.com, makeupbytiffanyd.blogspot.com, lisaeldridge.com.

If you liked the first part of the Spring/Summer Makeup Looks Collection then you can see more of the warm season inspired looks here: Part 2 Spring/Summer Makeup Looks Collection or here: Part 3 Spring/Summer Makeup Looks Collection.

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